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P.O. Box 132
Harris MN 55032
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Some of My Favorite items on Amazon That we use:
My Camera:
LogOx Log Hauler:
Great Moisture Meter (Check if firewood is dry):
The Forager's Harvest (Great wild edibles book for the midwest):
My EDC Knife (Cheap and Functional):
Favorite Skinning Knife:
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About Life In Farmland: Our family strives to be as self-sufficient as we can be. We grow a lot of food in the garden, raise or hunt for our meat, cut and use firewood to heat our house in the cold Minnesota winters. We want to know where our food comes from, what goes into it. We strive to live a slower and sustainable lifestyle with family being our first priority. On this channel, you will find a lot of how-tos, shared experiences, recipes, and videos of things we are trying and learning more about.