
Preview of Stricken by K.C. Ariel

Preview of Stricken by K.C. Ariel The introduction to my novel Stricken - which will be release July 11, 2019. It's currently available for pre-order at

"The world as we know it died nearly a thousand years ago. From the ashes of civilization rose the city of Darkota. Those who live within Darkota's safe walls greatly value physical perfection.

With affordable cosmetic surgery and genetic enhancement, only the Stricken, the poorest Darkotians, cannot afford to look flawless.

Vyka Calcair's father was assassinated when she was very young. He was a politician that fought for human rights, especially those of the Stricken.

This is her story."

((And that was one of my dogs, Ajax. He's a Swiss Shepherd.))

Novel,Reading,Stricken,KCAriel,KC Ariel,K.C. Ariel,Ariel,

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