
Plumbago : A Tough Plant which is Resistant to Pests, Diseases, Draught and Deer. Flowers profusely

Plumbago  : A Tough Plant which is Resistant to Pests, Diseases, Draught and Deer. Flowers profusely Plumbago Plant : It's scientific name is Plumbago Auriculata whereas common names are Plumbago, Cape Plumbago, Sky Flowers and Lead Wort. It belongs to Plumbaginaceae family and the genus contains 10 to 20 flowering species. Plumbago attains 8 to 10 feet height in open particularly in South Africa and tropical region which are it's Native areas. This sturdy shrub needs very little care, requires only drained soil and is resistant to pests, diseases, draught and deer. Welcome to deer lovers as plumbago is one of the many plants not much loved by the deers. Plumbago is very famous for its blue flower clusters booming on the plant almost year round and that is in a profuse manner.
#plumbago #capeplumbago
#leadwort #skyflower

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