
Nespresso Talents 2019 - A truly moveable feast

Nespresso Talents 2019 - A truly moveable feast Nespresso Talents is a celebration of creative filmmaking. Now in its fourth year, this unique competition empowers filmmakers to tell a story through the format of vertical video. More than 380 videos were submitted from over 40 countries.

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Nespresso Talents 2019,Berlinale,Cannes Film Festival,BAFTA,Transylvania Film Festival,TIFF,Morelia Film Festival,Zurich Film Festival,San Sebastian Film Festival,Tribeca Film Festival,Cluj,Karlovy Vary Film Festival,Toronto Film Festival,La Semaine de la Critique,Userfarm,Video Content,Video competition,Filmmakers,Vertical filmmaking,9:16,Jury,Berlin,Cannes,New York,Toronto,Morelia,Karlovy Vary,Palme d'Or,Boris Diaw,James Thompson,Brad Leone,Nora Hamzawi,

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