
Ford Mondeo back lights not working sometimes intermittent Bodgit And Leggit Garage

Ford Mondeo back lights not working sometimes intermittent Bodgit And Leggit Garage business and permissions inquires

bodgit and leggit garage
tips and tricks inside this video hopefully help you
don't forget get your hands dirty

2008 Ford Mondeo Mk4 2L diesel
In this video we had an intermittent light failure at the back sometimes the lights would work sometimes they would not but most of times they would work for a couple of seconds and then turn off in most modern cars for the lesser power lights they do not run on a traditional fuse circuit they are controlled by a module which monitors the resistance if it finds high resistance it will shut off whatever it controls to save the module so it's always best to know your circuit first and know what you are dealing with and with most of these things when you get a faulty you have to obviously fix it and in some cases you have to reset the module

Chris,fix,Scotty,Kilmer,Schrodingers,Box,Car,Throttle,stuzman,Edd,China,PicoScope,Automotive,Pine,Hollow,Auto,Diagnostics,tips,tricks,Flat,Rate,MasterBad,Obsession,Motorsport,jimthecarguy,DiagnoseDan,LM,Repairs,mechanic,Oz,Mechanics,Ozzstar,Hubitools,ScannerDanner,Positive,Lead,Thomas,EXOVCDS,New,Level,oldskool,funk,Simply,SMA,Rich,Rebuilds,Back lights not working,Backlight flickering,Lights turn on and then turn off,Intermittent fault,Lights,Bad connection,Corroded connection,

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