In this publication, Expert Opinion by Lt Gen Raj Kadyan; Veteran Ex DG Rashtriya Rifles is given on key issues of 'Armed Forces Special Powers Act' taking its larger perspective.
Key issues dealt in by expert are:
1. What is Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
2. Unfounded perception of Army Rule by Civilian.
3. Mechanism available for civilians to complain.
4. Absence of laws to support proxy war in J&K and cross border firing on LOC.
5. Difference of perceptions of Army & Central Govt about prevailing situation in J&K.
6. Non implementation of law by state regarding special courts in disturbed areas.
7. Difference of perception of state and central govt about disturbed area.
8. Question of FIR against soldiers.
9. No legal value of police rep accompanying army teams.
10.Question of Human Rights of soldiers.
11. Legally a unfavourable situation of soldiers. Terrorists get away even with murder of soldiers on duties, soldiers not only face bullets but also human right violation cases.
12 Need to have a complete law for backing military operations in disturbed areas as well to protect human rights of all.
The opinion was recorded on Skype on 23 April 2019 at 4 pm. Poor quality of video at some places is due to poor internet connectivity and regretted.
Experts from any background who wish to take part in series of discussion on this subject are advised to mail contact@faujireporter.com
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