
009: Hidden Words Cause Most Relationships to Break

009: Hidden Words Cause Most Relationships to Break ❤ Love Our Videos? ❤ Please support our work by clicking here:
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What do you do to the raw meat or vegetables that you buy from your local supermarket? Do you consume it directly? Or do you prepare it first by cleaning it and using various sauces, dressing or spices to suit your taste? A vast majority of relationships can be saved by focusing on communication. There is a lot of advice out there on how to communicate positively and assertively. But, when it comes to listening or receiving comments or feedback from a bad communicator who you care about, just like how you would prepare food according to your taste, you have to intercept the words and then massage them to suit your taste. It is the massaged and edited version of comments that you then feed your heart and thereby you master your emotions. Doing this will help you to be in a much better and calmer state to handle the feedback and coach others on how to communicate more effectively. Tune into this week’s episode where we will share techniques on how to add an interception, massaging, topping or sweetening layer between your ears and heart. We will also share tips on how to give better feedback and then in our spirituality section conclude with clarifying a common misconception around fate and divine decree.

Muslim Mastery Breakthroughs is our weekly series in which we share insights on how you can achieve breakthroughs in your life to unlock your spirituality, relationships and mindset. You will get practical steps towards living a truly extraordinary and fulfilling life in sha Allah.

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(No musical instruments used)
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May Allah accept it from you and us and make it easy to implement in our lives, ameen.

BarakAllahu feekum,
Muslim Mastery

Productive Muslim,Worship,Spiritual,Happy,Transform,Breakthrough,Mindset,Mastery,Thoughts,Muslim,Muhammad AlShareef,Zakir Naik,Nouman Ali Khan,Yasmin Mogahed,Tawfique Chowdhury,AlMaghrib,AlKauthar,Sabeel,Bayyinah,MRDF,Mercy Mission,iERA,Muslim Students’ Association,ISOCS,FOSIS,Muslim Mastery,Mohammad Arshad,Uzma Meer,Ihsan,Allah,Quran,Practical Islam,Battle Ignorance,islamic whiteboard animation,009: Hidden Words Cause Most Relationships to Break,Communication,

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